Iain E. Davis
Iain E. Davis
(Imported from Bukkit Tickets) Requested by: http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/giannoug/, http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/fragger505/, http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/MinecraftFreaksOnline/, http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/xiZverx/ ### xiZverx Using PW authentication. When a user joined the game he'd have to enter his forum password to play....
A rudimentary early stage of the multi-world support. This setting, if set would be used in any "add or remove group" methods in the permission handler interface.
A command that allows the plugin to return information from the website about a player. For example, I have users on the website set a custom field for their Minecraft...
Wordpress stores user roles in a serialized format that makes a straight insertion problematic.
Originally requested by: http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/ebiggz/ via bukkit ticket: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/communitybridge-fm/tickets/130-fire-a-custom-event-when-you-promote-a-player/ ### ebiggz I just was wondering if you would be willing to make a quick custom event that is called when you...
Requested By: http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/sossos1988/ sossos1988: Is there a way to tell Community Bridge that I would like to only have specific groups from IPB 3.4 to be allowed on the MC...
Originally requested by: http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/pimsserver/ ### pimsserver and then have a set amount of time to verify their account on the site before the account on the MC server gets suspended?...
(Originally submitted by: http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/BlueFusion95/ via Bukkit ticket: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/communitybridge-fm/tickets/48-register-from-minecraft-server/) Also requested by: http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/Dark123Summer/, http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/pimsserver/ ### BlueFusion95 I think it would be awesome if you were able to register to the website...