
Results 5 comments of i18u

need support webpack aliases +1

can it just work as well, but not set the namedExports config ?

unexpected, it's a very strange behavior for a standalone editor library.

Thanks @tatsuhiro-t . I really searched how to do the resume job, but could not got a example. Could you give a example usage of it for me ? Thanks...

这个客户端确实很好。有点舍不得。研究了一下,发现其实是`app_name=radio_desktop_win`的接口停止支持了。有个小技巧,可以把接口里的radio_desktop_win替换成radio。比如,可以用fiddler的AutoResponder功能来实现。 配置fiddler规则如下: `regex:http://www.douban.com/j/app/radio/people(.+)(radio_desktop_win)(.+)` `http://douban.fm/j/mine/playlist$1radio$3` 但是,貌似douban.fm官网上不会有歌曲的历史记录。