Igor Afanasyev

Results 72 comments of Igor Afanasyev

> Perhaps it is worth noting that before 2.6 became a transitional release we added in the editor a popup listing some shortcuts: f3c0378 Good, we might want to reuse...

Alternative (less visually dense) button rendering: http://jsfiddle.net/iafan/fp7qepqr/1/

ok, given these activities (all of which involve multiple items), which do you think are the most important? 1) using keyboard to accept suggestions 2) using keyboard to reject suggestions...

> It's unfortunate that Virtaal and OS X are using option/alt + left/right for different text-related purposes and they clash: navigating through placeables vs. navigating through textarea words. OS X's...

To keep things rolling, how about we implement this subset of shortcuts first? This is a subset of shortcuts that seem to work for anyone and require no extra client-side...

Yes, emailing code needs to be separated — thanks for looking into this. I don't think we need to start with Role::Tiny, since this task can be done by the...

This was originally done on purpose, see https://github.com/evernote/serge/commit/ab0ec0e932a341f24607ef09e51096665b00294f However, when implementing this, I didn't think about interfering about production use of Serge on a CI server where the same environment...

> I expected a report to be generated for the source language so I can more easily read through the errors it reported. Can you elaborate on that? The purpose...

Log::Log4perl-based logging can be handy. Can you share some snippet (or one file converted this way) before the entire PR lands so that we could agree on details? Specific questions/suggestions...

Also: Ideally, Serge should use some reasonable defaults without having a special log config file and without having users to create/alter one. By default, it would use some 'normal' output...