
Results 17 issues of iThanh

let error: NSError? NSException.raise("NSInternalInconsistencyException", format:"DOAlertController can only have one action with a style of DOAlertActionStyleCancel", arguments:getVaList([error ?? "nil"])) → DOAlertController.swift:714:189: Constant 'error' used before being initialized Please fix it, thank...

Hi, thank you for your source. But how I can use your source code on my Tweak, please?

Hi, I can’t hook Safari on macOS, please!

Hi, Thank you for your git. How can I hook C funtion, please? for example: `int uname(struct utsname *);` or `CFDictionaryRef CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(CFStringRef interfaceName);`

> url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"http://localhost:3000"]; > socket = [[VPSocketIOClient alloc] init:url withConfig:@{@"log": @FALSE}]; > [socket on:@"connect" callback:^(NSArray* data, VPSocketAckEmitter* ack) { > NSLog(@"socket connected: %@", [self->socket ssid]); > }];...

I can't select first button (Twitter button in attach image) in iPhone 6S and 6S+. - Xcode 7.3.1, iPhone iOS 9.3 Help me, please! ![screen shot 2016-06-24 at 12 19...

How I can scroll to first item, please?

My real ios version is: 7.1.2. Some applications/games installed on my device can only running in ios 7. When I try to hook and change os version to newer version...

Hi, How can I depends gcc/libgcc on my tweak, please! Thank you!

Hi, How can I hook with all Applications using GAD, please? Thank you!