
Results 93 comments of iRon7

@TobiasPSP, (I am definitely not a linux user 😀) > If you would like to stream output to the host in the middle of the pipeline in a performant way,...

I think this issue slipped through. Can it be assigned, relabeled, answered (or even rejected/resolved/"_Won't fix_" if not valid)?

What is the exact command you giving? This is probably common behavior of the [Get-ChildItem]( cmdlet knowning that there is no `-File ` parameter but a `-File` switch and a...

[`-Path Azure`]( defines the ***Path*** (or paths) from where the search is initiated, not each file that found in the recursive search folder . To match all the files named...

Related Stackoverflow issue: [Powershell Base64 Decode to bytes hex](

I wonder if it makes sence to accept a `string` type besides a `ScriptBlock` type for the `Process` parameter which would represent a (enumerated) member of the current object similar...

@mklement0, I was just thinking the same and even possibly also supporting *multiple* properties, this would than result in a scalar ``` $objects | Tee-WithProcess -ProcessEach Num -Variable numbers ```...

@rhubarb-geek-nz, > If it was defined as an object and Write-Debug used ToString then you could have delayed the expansion by creating an object where the message is expanded and...

Another side effect for this issue is that a (debug) statement as: ```PowerShell Write-Debug "Password: $(ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText $SecureString)" ``` will (presumably) reveal the password in memory even it is not...