
Results 108 comments of iRon7

@ypid-geberit, Thank you for the feedback and sharing your solution. especially the view on logging is very usefull. Rewriting the framework is still in the pipeline but I get distracted...

Thank you for your suggestion. I will take this in consideration.

If the PowerShell engine indeed acts the way as expected by @MatejKafka (except that I don't think it should accumulate anything else than the succes stream), it might be a...

The same issue exists for a [DataTable]( ``` $DataTable = New-Object Data.DataTable $DataColumn = New-Object Data.DataColumn $DataColumn.ColumnName = "Name" $DataTable.Columns.Add($DataColumn) $DataRow = $DataTable.NewRow() $DataRow.Item("Name") = "Test" $DataTable.Rows.Add($DataRow) $DataTable | Should...

@mklement0, thank you for the comprehensive information, it is very helpful.

Coming from: I agree that it is difficult to detect what the user meant if you only look to the input, but it gets more clear if you also...

## *"Burst Mode"* As far as I can tell batching (not even implying parallel processing), by means of choking the pipeline for a while and than burst the load into...

> and the the create-batch example doesn't output the right csv Oops, I didn't check the actual `csv` file as just the (display) output looks correct: ```PowerShell 1..5 |ForEach-Object {...

@mklement0, thanks for the comments > It is that implementation detail that also allows you to simply - and efficiently - pass a collection as a whole to the -InputObject...