In SMAAColorEdgeDetectionPS(), the calculations of left-left and top-top deltas are performed as: ```glsl t = abs(C - Cleftleft); ``` and ```glsl t = abs(C - Ctoptop); ``` However, these are...
UI labels in the operator options panel of the importers are downcased, not capitalized. For example, "rename bones" should be "Rename Bones".
Since foreign users cannot read Japanese documents, they very often ask me how to use mmd_tools. So I think mmd_tools needs English version of file says: モーションデータのアサインは"mmd_tools"でインポートしたモデルのみ可能です。 But actually that can be done if the imported model has the same bone structure and names with MMD models. I'm indeed using the vmd importer...
When using zenkaku symbols like "?", "!", "()", etc., I have to type Shift+l and Ctrl+j many times to change the input mode, so I'm awfully irritated. Please add an...