I've been following 2 projects quite closely with SC. GAVPI and SCJMapper-V2. Both use a xml files for mappings. SCJM has quite an extensive setup when it comes to managing... Really appreciate all the work and effort to maintain this for Discord. Is there any thoughts on expanding the bot at a later stage to support Guilded?
Once a portion one the map is selected the name is displayed below Example. Would be wonderful if user could then copy the text to paste into text block. Especially...
Sometimes when booting up windows pc first time for the day, instead of workrave starting with the time between breaks it appears to start with the break duration. Funny enough...
Just updated to opentrack 2022.3.0 with aitrack-v0.6.6-alpha using UDP 1. When pitching head seems to input more into Y axis than actually into Pitch 2. Rolling head to the right...
Currently on kodi it's possible to set the custom shutdown timer when clicking on the power button and then selecting custom shutdown timer. Would really appreciate the ability to set...
Have there been or are there any plans for the ability to edit polls? Also are there any plans to change the current operation of multiple choice polls to let...
It appears the developer is not doing anything at the moment. However another developer seems to have forked and have added some great features etc. Any plans to allow...
Would appreciate if Admins could add nicknames for members under"fleetname"/members/
When viewing"FleetName"/members/ the following appears and results in a: `Navigation Error : You are currently venturing unknown space. In the event you are lost, the UEE highly recommends plotting...