Ok pb come from a v-if, when modal disappear i have a v-if who doesn't display the component containing the modal. Modal don't have the time to destroy so it...
Hi, sry for thge late answer. since :selectOptions can trigger a change of v-model with value.selectednot sure the event shouldn t be triggered i'm gonna work on a new version...
Hi, it's not possible with vue-multi-select, maybe use popper.js ??
use the `::v-deep roleSelect`, wait i will dig (thoiugh you used scoped)
edit the select class with `::v-deep` (use `display: block`)
Hi, this component is vue2 only sry
i didn t use any lib for vue3 atm sry
Hi, no atm, it's not possible, i will try to find a way in next days (maybe a slot to add custom button)
I thx for your feedback, I think it's a TZ pb, since you are gmt -5 Wish params did you provide to the function ?
HI, i was using a tz wrongly, i changed things, can you try with 2.0.0-beta-3 ? (doc is not updated since i migrate to v3 i need to find some...