iGor milhit
iGor milhit
I'm getting a similar issue: "Octokit::Forbidden: GET https://api.github.com/repos/rero/rero-ils/issues/420/events?per_page=100: 403 - You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again. // See: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/overview/resources-in-the-rest-api#secondary-rate-limits" ```...
@sirtoobii I tried your unofficial beta, and it works like a charm. Thanks.
Or an identifier property, with type and uri, as other identifier exist and could be used, such as [ARK][ark] for instance. [ark]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archival_Resource_Key
@daenuprobst How can we contribute to translations, by the way? I looked for a file, without success. I think that some strings could be improved for the french, I mean...
Yet, the vim-pandoc-syntax, using the treesitter plugin with the markdown parser installed, is not working very well. For now, I will not install the markdown parser, as I find vim-pandoc...
Having the same issue using neovim in a WSL (Ubuntu Lunar). But when I'm running neovim in an updated archlinux, `:GrammalecteCheck` is running just fine. The `/tmp/nvim.xfkzKp` folder has the...
Hi, I'm trying to use picocss with hugo and I'm encountering just this issue. In my HTML template, I have this options to define where to find picocss, and the...
Sorry, I haven't the right pico version installed. With the latest one I don't have this issue anymore.