Hello LHWMonitor, I could not get fan speeds using the dll, so tried with the app, and it only shows the rpm for one fan. There are two other fans...
According to the [release notes](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/xamarin/announcing-urhosharp-1-8-release/) UrhoSharp 1.8 has inverse kinematics. However, there appears to be no components which support IK - Urho3d has, for example: `root_bone->CreateComponent();` The only reference I...
No matter the exception, UnhandledException is not entered. Tried on multiple apps; the exceptions are caught by VS.2019, but the Urho exception event is never fired. I am pretty sure...
I had modelled my game on SamplyGame, so was also getting hanging when pressing the Android Back Button. To fix, in MainActivity: public override bool OnKeyDown([GeneratedEnum] Keycode keyCode, KeyEvent e)...