
Results 55 issues of 狼叔

``` $ ssr add vue-ssr https://github.com/ykfe/ssr/tree/dev/example/vue-ssr $ ssr ls ```

1\ boilerplate vs skeleton ? ` Boilerplate code From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In computer programming, boilerplate code or boilerplate is the sections of code that have to be included...

- add packages/middleware,package name:`ssr-middleware` - add koa/koa middlwares example ``` const conf = require('./config/config.ssr') const ssr = require('egg-react-ssr').koa(conf); const Koa = require('koa'); const app = new Koa(); // mount routes...



![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3118295/66980543-d39c7780-f0e3-11e9-94b5-53a5ce683778.png) ``` $ pwd /Users/i5ting/Library/Application Support/Code/User $ ls globalStorage settings.json snippets workspaceStorage ``` sys user name is i5ting

hotcorner.sh ``` #! /bin/bash # Hot corners # Possible values: # 0: no-op # 2: Mission Control # 3: Show application windows # 4: Desktop # 5: Start screen saver...

md编写规范 https://zrocky.com/2018/09/markdown-guideline-for-team/ 看看要不要出一个类似于standard的那种工具

https://github.com/aseemk/requireDir/blob/master/index.js#L50 ``` const isJestEnviroment = process.env.JEST_WORKER_ID !== undefined if (isJestEnviroment) extensions = ['.js', '.json','.mjs'] ```