Hi Soumith, A general question for all criterion class: Is the loss averaged across the batches, and for seq2seq mini batch, does it average across the sequence length too? Thank...
Is there a version of MXnet for cuda 11.0, Nvidia 450 , Ubuntu 18.04? Something like pip install --pre mxnet_cu102mkl -f ... ? Thank you!
Hi, I am trying to tokenize a file using existing bpe file, however, it produces the error: th tools/tokenize.lua -bpe_model $bpemodel < $DATA/$inputfile > $DATA/$inputfile.tok Feel free to advise me...
Hi all, I have a phrase table which is carefully constructed to reflect correct lexicon translation. I hope NMT to translate the source lexicon (may be OOV) into the target...
Hi OpenNMTers, may you point me to me the section of the code that I can modify to keep either encoder or decoder fixed while updating the generator? For example,...
Hi all, I have a machine with 2 GPUs. And I train an experiment using: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 \ onmt_train \ ... -world_size 2 \ -gpu_ranks 0 1 \ Preveiously, training an...
Hi, is the OpenNMT-py updated with the adapter as in ?
Hi, is there a function call to calculate entropy directly from KenLM? What is the maths formula of model.score ? Is it the log probability or probability? Is it true...
Hi Soumith, What is the best way to install Torch on Cent OS 6.7 without sudo rights? Thanks! Cheers, Zhong
Hi Hugh, How to install with existing luajit version? I already have installed LUAJIT21 to my home directory Installing Lua version: LUAJIT21 CMake Error at exe/luajit-rocks/luajit-2.1/CMakeLists.txt:156 (MESSAGE): Cannot compile a...