
Results 11 issues of I001962

``` const newGun1 = Gun({ uuid: function () { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967296); } }) ``` undefined gun.js:986 Error: Invalid graph! '#0df00f07...' no node. Yet it looks like the uuid...

map().open() only returns one value when expected all objects from the map. eg try a query like ``` gun.get('psa1').get('users').map(user => user.name ? user : undefined).open(function(profile){console.log(profile.name, profile.userInfo)}) ``` (assuming gun-us.herokuapp.com hasn't...

New laptop = new challenges. Fresh laptop with only Node, Yarn and Gatsby-cli installed: When following instructions on Next branch the Gatsby develop failed with Error: Cannot find module 'eslint-config-react-app'...

I believe the Tag-Page template could should use an additional filter. https://github.com/fabien0102/gatsby-starter/blob/df1edf08e0b420c91a9bc31cd281da4d9ef12be3/src/templates/tags-page.tsx#L9 Proposed to be: ````query TemplateTagPage($tag: String) { # Get tags tags: allMarkdownRemark(filter: {frontmatter: {draft: {ne: true}}, fileAbsolutePath: {regex:...

npm run generate blog post If a tag name has a space say between two words e.g. "Probability Management" the tag card link does not include the necessary hyphen but...

When public folder is put into ipfs the images don't render on the first page load. Seems that they only appear after a browser/page refresh. Here's a screencast of the...

@satazor let me know what you think of this TODO list. If it's out of scope for this IPFS plugin LMK and I'll remove it. Thought this would be a...

Fix README Nodejs sample code and added index.js example file. For your consideration.

Was looking for usage instructions but didn't find any here or on docs site yet did find some help on [npmjs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@rari-capital/fuse-sdk). Is this the correct repo? Links from npmjs 404

First off, nice work. I like how simple it is. Two questions. Is this app deployed somewhere already? and Is there an author's view where they may see all their...