I Blis
I Blis
Sure. Assuming a reverse echo SSL socket server running on localhost on port 4444 (see below), this should do: ```clojure (import [java.io BufferedWriter BufferedReader OutputStreamWriter InputStreamReader] [javax.net.ssl SSLSocket SSLSocketFactory])) (let...
I am using Mac OS (albeit an older one 10.13). I can test on Linux, if necessary. (I forgot a `(.flush writer)` in the code above. Adding it now).
Intel. (You're welcome btw :))
Oops. It was probably compiled for a newer version of MacOS. I run 10.13 (High Sierra). ``` ./bb dyld: cannot load 'bb' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown) Abort trap: 6...
This one launches. Thanks.
I got `clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Method createSocket on class sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketFactoryImpl not allowed!`. (Please do not ruin your evening with it :)) EDIT whole stacktrace: ``` at sci.impl.utils$rethrow_with_location_of_node.invokeStatic (utils.cljc:135) sci.impl.interpreter$eval_form.invokeStatic (interpreter.cljc:40) sci.core$eval_form.invokeStatic (core.cljc:344)...
> (There might be other similar ones later on, but we'll get there). Indeed :) : ``` clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: startHandshake {:type :sci/error, :line 1, :column 1, :message "startHandshake", :sci.impl/callstack #object[clojure.lang.Volatile 0x1ce51795...
Same exception :(
Sure: ` sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl`