Fixes # ## Proposed Changes 1. eslint support next config 2. eslint support next plugin Nextjs is a popular framework for react with 88.4k stars. https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/eslint [Beta React](https://beta.reactjs.org/learn) advise us...
需求描述: 1. 我们要找到yiqi。 2. 按照教程跑通 https://github.com/AElfProject/aelf-boilerplate/tree/hello-world 3. 跑通后和yiqi一天喝八杯可乐。 4. 成为yiqi的朋友。 奖励: 奖励 58.88个 ELF 【不同的issue的奖励不一样,最后以和团队确认为准】
@EanCuznaivy `Branch`: preview-3-bingo, create from preview-3 `Code Change`: https://github.com/AElfProject/aelf-boilerplate/commit/d735251b018708418e159a80fd08134fa451cfc9 This change is ok in boilerplate But when i push to test env. `error logs` shows ```shell 2020-06-12 09:32:16,076 [274] WARN...
each Accept get a '*/*' is not good. And some crazy project only accept specifical Accept.
1. Close #173