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We are developing more practical approach for users based on RIFE.

Results 34 Practical-RIFE issues
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I'm using 4.1 model. When I try to interpolarate a video, I get such a ERROR: ``` 2022-07-24 19:29:27,296 - one_line_shot_args - 772 - INFO - Initial New Interpolation Project:...

I'm using model 4.1, on [this video](, downloaded in what `youtube-dl`/`yt-dlp` identifies as format number 248 (the default if you exclude resolutions above 1080p). There is a "cut" between scenes/shots...

python: 3.9.9 torch: 1.10.2+cu113 GPU: RTX 3080 Ti (12GB LHR) Seems like this only happens when fp16 is used.

Is there any way to add interpolation for animation? The current version of course knows how to make animation smoother, but with a bunch of artifacts. Yes, version 4 has...

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to raise this issue and tbh I'm pretty sure alotta people have raised it. But why are the results of the...

I used model 4.0, scale = 4, exp = 4, practical-rife ![vlcsnap-2021-12-20-11h07m36s255](

I think a great and easy change would be to support copying existing subtitles from the original video file to the resulting interpolated one. I'm pretty sure this can be...

Hi, thank you for making your code available. The latest model release (v4.6) works really well for my project. I would like to fine tune the model on my dataset....

Hello RIFE authors! Thank you for sharing your training code, very helpful. I am trying to better understand the training code of Practical RIFE ([here]( the link to v4.15) and...

When using SVP, Rife tends to have less artefacts than the other mode. I notice that Rife 4.7 has even less artefacts than 4.6. But the problem is that the...