
Results 8 issues of hzexe

lxml使用的4.3.1,通常仓库都没有这个版本,使用pip安装是编译,有很多坑要填.况且很多低功耗CPU的小型设备没这么全的开发环境,编译时间长. .我填过的坑: - wheel安装各种坑 - 缺少python开发包 - 缺少zlib开发包 - pip版本低 就为了这么个库耗费大量时间不值得.在debian/ubuntu的仓库都存在这个包,只是版本对不上,没这么老.debian仓库的版本是4.6.2 ```bash root@T1:~/proxy_pool# apt-cache madison python3-lxml python3-lxml | 4.6.2-1~bpo10+1 | https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/debian buster-backports/main arm64 Packages ``` 附上在斐讯T1(ARMv8 8核)编译lxml用的时间: ```bash root@T1:~/proxy_pool# time...

### Ⅰ. Issue Description ngx_http_upstram_dynamic模块配置的域名在IP变更后一直使用脏IP,不更新。nginx -s reload后正常 ### Ⅱ. Describe what happened ### Ⅲ. Describe what you expected to happen ### Ⅳ. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely...

玩客云客户端以后也不会加这功能,否则和迅雷软件已有的功能冲突,因此我觉得这个功能蛮有吸引力,体验也很好.即便某天玩客币日暮途穷,市场上仍然都大量设备以nas的形式存在,不限速的下载是那时最主要的功能了. ------------------ 期望的功能和流程: 点击浏览器下载连接或是双击BT种文件--->启动客户端-->选择玩客云手机号[-->选择下载路径]-->确认下载

Mobile ip is 192.168.xx.xx,but linux deploy show me 10.0.2.xx that can't connect via ssh. Type:chroot Ver:2.3.0-245

Problem encountered on https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/linux-package-manager/debian9/sdk-2.2.300 Operating System: Linux Debian 9 - x64 Provide details about the problem you are experiencing. Include your operating system version, exact error message, code sample, and...


Let us know what functionality you'd like to see in Playwright and what your use case is. Do you think others might benefit from this as well? Might benefit: 1....


使用了保护隐私类的dns,发现无法下载,百度统计能否是可选择功能呀? ----- m3u8-downloader | v2.0.7 | win32 ----- 2023-09-17 17:02:52 error: getaddrinfo ENOENT hm.baidu.com 2023-09-17 17:02:52 error: certificate has expired 2023-09-17 17:02:52 error: Unexpected token u in JSON at position...

Binaryformatter是可以的,只是Binaryformatter在新版本中不受待见.看是否可以支持? ``` public class UserSession { public System.Net.CookieContainer cc { get; set; } } ```