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Find an opinionated code formatting tool, like prettier in the JS world
Prettier has an official plugin to format PHP code which might be a good option: https://github.com/prettier/plugin-php
It has some considerations:
- We need to check if it does not conflict with Wordpress coding standard, and if it does, we may want to move to PER-2/PSR-12 instead
- Prettier is a JS tool. Since the project already has a package.json, we could incorporate a JS package manager to the toolbelt and workflow without a lot of effort, but may be easier to introduce a PHP-based tool if such thing exists.
Since the project already has a package.json, we could incorporate yarn to the toolbelt and workflow without a lot of effort, but may be easier to introduce a PHP-based tool.
@acelaya don't feel that we have to use Yarn in every project. For small or less-critical packages, npm may be just fine and can keep the toolchain a little simpler. npm's main downside is that it's lockfile format is less diff-friendly and its terminal output is less well presented.
@acelaya don't feel that we have to use Yarn in every project. For small or less-critical packages, npm may be just fine and can keep the toolchain a little simpler. npm's main downside is that it's lockfile format is less diff-friendly and its terminal output is less well presented.
True! But I with "yarn" I actually meant anything "non-composer" 😅
I'll rewrite it for clarity.
A lot of folks in the WP environment use (PHP CodeSniffer)[https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer] with the WordPress coding standards: https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards. Here's the documentation on official WP coding standards, which are encouraged for plugins/themes as well: https://developer.wordpress.org/coding-standards/wordpress-coding-standards/php/
A lot of folks in the WP environment use (PHP CodeSniffer)[https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer] with the WordPress coding standards: https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards. Here's the documentation on official WP coding standards, which are encouraged for plugins/themes as well: https://developer.wordpress.org/coding-standards/wordpress-coding-standards/php/
That's what the project is currently using, but we need to make sure it fits nicely with the other hypothesis projects, where Python and JS/TS is primarily used.
It's important that anyone on the team can jump-in to work on this and the tooling and workflow feels familiar.
That's preferable even if it deviates from standard WordPress community "ways".