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Hypothesis WordPress plugin

hypothes.is for WordPress

Stable versions are available on the Hypothesis plugin page on WordPress.org.

Install this plugin

Via composer

This plugin can be installed with composer, from the standard package registry (packagist.org)

composer require hypothesis/wp-hypothesis

Via WordPress plugins directory

  1. Visit your WordPress plugins page (/wp-admin/plugins.php)
  2. Click the Add New button
  3. Search the WordPress plugins directory for Hypothes.is
  4. Click Install Now.
  5. Click Activate
  6. Visit your WordPress Settings > Hypothesis page to configure how it works on your site


  1. Install php and the dom and mbstring extensions.
  2. Download Composer, the PHP package manager.
  3. Run make dev. This will start a local WordPress instance with this plugin mounted on it.
  4. Access http://localhost:8080 (the first time you'll have to finish setting up WordPress by following presented instructions)


Follow these steps to publish a new plugin version.

  1. Update the package version in hypothesis.php, readme.txt and package.json
  2. Update readme.txt, adding the new version with its list of changes, under the Changelog section.
  3. Merge the changes into the main branch[^1]. We use Semantic Versioning.
  4. Create a tag pointing at the version-change commit and generate a new GitHub release (details follow). Publishing a GitHub release will kick off a GitHub Action that will publish the plugin to wordpress.org

[!NOTE] The package will be automatically published in packagist.org just by pushing the new git tag.

Creating a GitHub release

Create a new GitHub release with these values:

  1. Tag: Create a new tag for the release, targeting the main branch (your just-merged version bump should be at the tip)[^2]. The tag should match the version number, e.g. v5.2.1.
  2. Title: Use the tag name.
  3. Click the Auto-generate release notes button to generate release notes and edit as needed. We use Keep a Changelog formatting.[^3]
  4. Leave other fields alone/as defaults.

[^1]: Unlike other PRs, a version-bump PR does not require review. But do wait for CI to complete first. [^2]: You can create a tag manually as a separate step if you want to tag a non-tip commit. [^3]: You can look at release notes for other recent releases as exemplars. You don't need to include every change (especially, e.g., dependency updates).

