Derek McTavish
Derek McTavish
Is this currently supported ?
Great. In fact, I'll be needing support for that in a later part of my codebase, so I'll send another pull request once implemented.
Fair enough. Are you saying what's currently implemented here in this pull request is leaky ?
What about a mild extension of providing a callback as it stands. In addition to supporting ``` javascript new ui.Dialog().show(function () { }); ``` Also, optionally support: ``` javascript new...
Actually, does it make more sense to just supply an optional 'async' second argument to show() ? ``` javascript new ui.Confirmation().show(function () {}, true); ```
Yyyeah, so I didn't realize this pull req stuff would update when I pushed my commit. Anyway, here's what I would propose for support more configurable behaviour of the Confirmation...