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The Hylo programming language
When developing at the command-line, failures without full path info (which XCTest used to emit but no longer does) tend to cause problems for IDEs.
I want to open this issue to share my vision about the future of testing for Val compiler. First, I want to distinguish between 3 categories of tests: 1. Unit...
We ought to run the documentation through a tool that extracts examples and tests them. I have written such a tool before and would be happy to consult on the...
This should parse but doesn't: ``` public subscript unsafe_bitcast(_ value: T): U { sink let p = Pointer.to[value].copy().value yield p as* (remote let U) } ```
See https://github.com/val-lang/val/actions/runs/5651732864/job/15310295464#step:5:5679
Every function does what it does “using” its arguments. If we can't find a better label, [this one](https://github.com/val-lang/val/blob/main/Sources/FrontEnd/Parse/ParserState.swift#L256) should just be removed everywhere it appears in our codebase.
I've seen this happen several times (without parallel testing enabled FWIW): ``` Test Case '-[LibraryTests.LibraryTests test_compileAndRun_OptionalTests]' started. /Users/dave/src/hylo/Tests/LibraryTests/TestCases/OptionalTests.hylo:1: error: -[LibraryTests.LibraryTests test_compileAndRun_OptionalTests] : success was expected, but processing failed with thrown...
Val's integer types are defined in individual files under `/Library/Val/Core`. Since all integer types (e.g., `Int8`, `Int16`) implement the same API, it's probably a good idea to use a code...
We don't have a nice way to represent a type erased "type extending declaration". So we end up writing a lot of boilerplate to handle either a `ConformanceDecl` or an...
Consider the following program: ```hylo trait P { type X fun foo() } trait Q {} extension P where X: Q { fun foo() {} } type B: P {...