This pull request should resolve [#835]. In detail: - `pseudocount` support for the `BernoulliDistribution` was implemented. - The parameter `alpha` was introduced to smooth only the individual distributions but not...
Hi, I would like to use the `generateCNVMatrix` function on copy-number files generated by [PURPLE](https://github.com/hartwigmedical/hmftools/tree/master/purple#output). When I look through: - The example file `all.breast.ascat.summary.sample.tsv`, - the code of `generateCNVMatrix`, it...
According to the [docs](https://chex.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#dataclasses), by default a class wrapped with `chex.dataclass` can be indexed, because the dataclass becomes compatible with `collections.abc.Mapping` (because `mappable_dataclass=True`). However, mypy doesn't seem to understand this....
Hi, I have been tinkering with the `SoftmaxCentered` bijector but I would like help understanding how the determinant of the Jacobian is calculated. I've already found the function [SoftmaxCentered._inverse_log_det_jacobian](https://github.com/tensorflow/probability/blob/v0.23.0/tensorflow_probability/python/bijectors/softmax_centered.py#L122), which...
Hi, It seems that my mypy (version 0.942) is complaining that Haiku's random key generated by `hk.next_rng_key()` is not compatible with Jax's `PRNGKeyArray` type. The latter are the types of...
### Bug description I am trying to reshape a `tensor.Tensor` based on a python `tuple`. To this end, I've tried to convert the `tuple` to a mojo `List[Int]` that I...
### Bug description When I try to print the value of a Numpy array, mojo crashes with the following error message: > Unhandled exception caught during execution: expected 1 argument,...
### Bug description The following code snippet, that adds two matrices, doesn't run: ```mojo from python import Python def main(): var np = Python.import_module("numpy") x = np.array([[1.0, 2.0]]) y =...
### Bug description I've come across another small code snippet that causes mojo to seg fault. It is a strange combination of several necessary conditions: 1. A `fn` function returning...
### Bug description In Numpy, when attempting to perform operations on pairs of arrays of different shapes, Numpy tries to broadcast the arrays to make the shapes compatible. When this...