
Results 14 issues of Hylke

This pull request should resolve [#835]. In detail: - `pseudocount` support for the `BernoulliDistribution` was implemented. - The parameter `alpha` was introduced to smooth only the individual distributions but not...

Hi, I would like to use the `generateCNVMatrix` function on copy-number files generated by [PURPLE](https://github.com/hartwigmedical/hmftools/tree/master/purple#output). When I look through: - The example file `all.breast.ascat.summary.sample.tsv`, - the code of `generateCNVMatrix`, it...

According to the [docs](https://chex.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#dataclasses), by default a class wrapped with `chex.dataclass` can be indexed, because the dataclass becomes compatible with `collections.abc.Mapping` (because `mappable_dataclass=True`). However, mypy doesn't seem to understand this....

Hi, I have been tinkering with the `SoftmaxCentered` bijector but I would like help understanding how the determinant of the Jacobian is calculated. I've already found the function [SoftmaxCentered._inverse_log_det_jacobian](https://github.com/tensorflow/probability/blob/v0.23.0/tensorflow_probability/python/bijectors/softmax_centered.py#L122), which...

Hi, It seems that my mypy (version 0.942) is complaining that Haiku's random key generated by `hk.next_rng_key()` is not compatible with Jax's `PRNGKeyArray` type. The latter are the types of...

### Bug description I am trying to reshape a `tensor.Tensor` based on a python `tuple`. To this end, I've tried to convert the `tuple` to a mojo `List[Int]` that I...


### Bug description When I try to print the value of a Numpy array, mojo crashes with the following error message: > Unhandled exception caught during execution: expected 1 argument,...


### Bug description The following code snippet, that adds two matrices, doesn't run: ```mojo from python import Python def main(): var np = Python.import_module("numpy") x = np.array([[1.0, 2.0]]) y =...


### Bug description I've come across another small code snippet that causes mojo to seg fault. It is a strange combination of several necessary conditions: 1. A `fn` function returning...

help wanted

### Bug description In Numpy, when attempting to perform operations on pairs of arrays of different shapes, Numpy tries to broadcast the arrays to make the shapes compatible. When this...

help wanted