
Results 59 comments of hydrargyrum

Correspondance (entre) Objet (et) Relationnel ? Bijection OR ?

*Mangle* signifie plutôt « mutiler » ou « charcuter » que « décorer ».

> Exemple : On parle couramment de fourches pour les lignes de métros qui se séparent à un endroit sur leur trajet. Il est question de sémantique ici. Une ligne...

Ne faut-il pas modifier liste_de_traductions.json ?

> First In Last Out -> Premier dedans, dernier dehors (PDDD) En anglais, la tournure [*Last In First Out*](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_in,_first_out) est plus utilisée, qu'on peut traduire littéralement par « Dernier Dedans,...

> Had Epistolaire had import capability at the time I wrote SMS Import / Export, I might never have written it ;) Hehe, I'm a bit sorry I never took...

[ICU4X 0.6 was released](https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/releases) and 1.0 is in beta. The changelog doesn't mention collation but the source repository seem to include references to collation. Do you know if it's usable...

Unfortunately, I'm not very knowledgeable on the AIA chasing subject. I'm trying to implement its support in a project but I don't know if an RFC details conditions for accepting...

Ok, but no error message or code is a bad behaviour that is very misleading. Multiple times I forgot the `add` subcommand and so I "lost" some todo entries because...

Are there any news? For a site involving money, 2FA is a must-have. TOTP is basic yet is very effective and very well-supported.