xiaoxiang Huang
xiaoxiang Huang
Thanks for youe reply! I converted the data used and download the `instanovo_yeast.pt`, and ran the command as follows: python -m instanovo.transformer.predict /data/SYSTEMHC/SYSMHC00023/HLA-I-p_MM16/SYSMHC00023_20141212_QEp7_MiBa_SA_HLA-I-p_MM16_1_B_convertion /data/xhuang/instanovo_yeast.pt --denovo --output_path /data/SYSTEMHC/SYSMHC00023/HLA-I-p_MM16/instanovo.csv But, I get...
Maybe how can I convert `instanovo_yeast.pt` into `instanovo_yeast.ipc`? Thanks!
Hi well, I add `--n_workers 0` in the command line and it works! INFO:root:Data loaded, evaluating 100.0%, 59722 samples in total. INFO:root:Knapsack path missing or not specified, generating... INFO:root:Scaling masses....
OK, thanks again!