
Results 15 issues of hxj0316

Hello, I followed the steps to download and compile the teb local path planning algorithm. I would like to ask how to use it for gazebo simulation and how to...

After successfully launching the launch file, you can see the corresponding topic, but there is no data in the topic, and there is no image when using rqt to view...

Hello, I have been following your team for a long time. From slam's article to the current path planning article, I am honored to read this article. He is very...


您好,我是ubuntu 18.04系统,请问该仿真器是否支持18.04的系统呢?

Hello, I would like to know whether the related drivers of axis camera support work under ubuntu 20.04+ros noetic or ubuntu20.04+ros2 foxy version? I try to run under ubuntu20.04+ros noetic,...

Hello, after I finished compiling the program, after I executed the ros2 run usb_cam usb_cam_node_exe command, it showed an error as shown in the figure, indicating that the stream parameters...

Hello, I would like to ask where is the code related to video compression in this program? I want to try to make changes in the source code of ros2.

Hello, I compiled vlp_driver under ros2, and then I ran the "ros2 run velodyne_driver velodyne_driver_node" command, and the result was as shown in the figure below. I pinged the address...

如图一所示,在按教程进行Velodyne VLP16 激光雷达使用配置时,执行到新建ros工程中的catkin_make时,出现如图二所示的错误,麻烦大家能够帮我解答一下,谢谢大家。 ![2021-01-22 17-29-18 的屏幕截图](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66103957/105473219-cd7a4b00-5cd7-11eb-8989-884957752f9d.png) ![2021-01-22 17-29-35 的屏幕截图](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66103957/105473232-d408c280-5cd7-11eb-8b2e-6ad5618805eb.png)