
Results 2 comments of Ripple

@tiancaiCC 你好,首先非常感谢你写了这么棒的一个库,我也遇到了同样的问题。我是一个新手,我研究了很久源代码还是没有搞懂应该怎么去改。mFollowCircles的这个循环在onLayout方法中,我应该继承你的类然后重写这个方法吗?请你指点一下或者给一点思路吧,谢谢!因为配合RecyclrView时Fab下移后面 的也就是菜单里面的按钮会显示出来,我想取消掉他们,是不是改好了之后用enableFollowingAnimotion()可以实现?我不是伸手党,实在没有思路,如果你能指点下就太好了。 @MahdiPishguy Hi, i meet the same question. And I have research for a lot of time and till have no idea. Could you please tell me how...

@MahdiPishguyThanks for your reply! Actually i attach fab to my recyclerview and i find that when list scrolls and fab go to the bottom, that's what i want. But the...