Not sure it is related, we also see `TempoTenantIndexFailures` and `TempoTenantIndexTooOld` errors, they may caused by this
@joe-elliott thanks, I am trying it
@joe-elliott Hi, I just notice that we are using only 1 tempo compactor, so this `blocklist_poll_tenant_index_builders: 1` may not help in this case, or do you think it is better...
Inside the compcator pod, I test nslookup the azure blob host , it looks good ``` nslookup tempoe4c***********2b.blob.core.windows.net Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: tempoe4c1**********b.blob.core.windows.net canonical name = blob.ams07prdstr02a.store.core.windows.net Name:...
@electron0zero Hi, thanks for the fix. So after the new image is built, We also need to set tempo pods DNS config `ndots=3` for resolving the issue, right? We deploy...