Tim Lee
Tim Lee
https://github.com/kkm000/openfst/blob/338225416178ac36b8002d70387f5556e44c8d05/CMakeLists.txt#L19-L28 GNU compiler doesn't process command switch starting with `/`. So mingw can't process the `/bigobj` option. I think that `WIN32` need to be changed to `MSVC` or wrap that...
Some features are implemented. - WebDAV download and upload are supported. - Document files(Third-party Files provider) are supported.
- `ᆰ( ?)ᄏ` 정규식이 "`1)`"로 잘못되어 있어, `ᆰ( ?)ᄒ` 와 동일하게 반영 - `ᆰᄒ`의 발음과 `ᆰᄏ`은 동일하고, [부산대학교 표준발음변환기는 `읽키다`를 `읽히다`의 오류로 보며 결과는 동일하게 `일키다`(12항 발음 규칙으)로 변환](http://pronunciation.cs.pusan.ac.kr/pronunc2.asp?text1=%C0%D0%C5%B0%B4%D9%0D%0A&submit1=%C8%AE%C0%CE%C7%CF%B1%E2)하고 있습니다....
Add yuchen-lea/org-media-note to doomemacs. this feature was not one of doomemacs. I think this mode helps others video and audio note taking job much easier. `org-media-note` uses `mpv` strongly and...
- Convert Markdown format using Pandoc - Add ID per annotation - Add ID per page `Hypothesis` uses Markdown syntax default. But `hypothesis` module handle the text as plain-text. I...
pykaldi version is 0.1.2 0ff6fb0 (latest). I tested with anaconda python 3.6 on macOS Mojave. Below code occurs `table_match_type` error. ~~~ import kaldi.asr kaldi.asr.LatticeLmRescorer.from_files("G.fst", "G.fst") ~~~ ~~~ Python 3.6.8 |Anaconda,...
I have made a Joplin indexer. But there is a problem that the indexer needs a incremental updating parameter when the database is large. I have 8000+ notes in my...
I'm writing an indexer for org-roam and BibTeX to link between org-roam to web-browser. Some org-file has citation syntax like below. ```org :PROPERTIES: :ID: 120cf393-9ec3-40b8-a486-d903036236f8 :ROAM_REFS: cite:Dong2018 :END: #+TITLE: Speech-Transformer:...
### Description I'm trying to capture some text to a sub headline. Capturing works at first. At the second time, But, It inserts org headline into the wrong place. ####...
### Description org-roam-ref-capture leaves the spaces within URL as original. But the issue is came with org-mode can't handle spaces within URL. If I capture the "https://datascienceschool.net/03%20machine%20learning/05.02%20%ED%9A%8C%EA%B7%80%EB%B6%84%EC%84%9D%EC%9D%98%20%EA%B8%B0%ED%95%98%ED%95%99.html", org-roam-ref-capture generated a...