Hwijeen Ahn

Results 5 issues of Hwijeen Ahn

First of all, thanks for your great tutorial on pytorch! It's a great tip for beginners. I have a question about the way you use the output of a bidirectional...

Hi, ![Screen Shot 2020-07-14 at 10 53 24 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29157715/87434032-f46b0c80-c624-11ea-989f-e3cf24d43091.png) thank you for the great plugin. One little thing that gets on my nerve is that airline plugin pops up whenever...

Hi, I reported too slow data fetching when data is large(#2210) a couple of weeks ago, and @lhoestq referred me to the fix (#2122). However, the problem seems to persist....

Hi, thank you for the great library. Recently, many algorithms are proposed to replace fine-tuning as it incurs too many burdens, especially with huge models like GPT3. Examples include [P-tuning](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjA2dbKqM3xAhXzKaYKHfRiDDwQFjABegQIBxAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Farxiv.org%2Fabs%2F2103.10385&usg=AOvVaw3jtXvJ-0GWxlJmIFjVpd9M)...

Hi, thank you for the great library. I've been using datasets to pretrain language models, and it often involves datasets as large as ~70G. My data preparation step is roughly...
