Adam Piskorek

Results 26 comments of Adam Piskorek

> I'm sorry I don't have the time to maintain a repo, so it will be this snippet for now... Requesting Permission to follow supporting it as a maintainer.

Do I understand correctly that the "upgrade" is only changing the variables names and formating a bit? Or there is some deeper boto3 logic / dependency hidden in photologue?

@jamescosmin What error are you getting? I am trying to get it to work with boto3 and also failing.

WARNING in ./node_modules/vue-aplayer/dist/vue-aplayer.min.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'hls.js' in '/Users/hvitis/Programming/Django/podcasts-template/Podcaster/node_modules/vue-aplayer/dist' @ ./node_modules/vue-aplayer/dist/vue-aplayer.min.js @ ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/components/player/APlayer.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js& @ ./src/components/player/APlayer.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js& @ ./src/components/player/APlayer.vue @ ./src/stories/Player.stories.js @ ./src sync \.stories\.js$ @ ./.storybook/preview.js @ multi...

Any progress on that? How slow would it be to implement error correction with JS for JAB code atm? Is it feasible?

I understand. Thank you very much!

> I assume spookylukey means something like this: > > ``` > class MyPayPalPaymentsForm(PayPalPaymentsForm): > def render(self): > form_open = u'''''' % (self.get_endpoint()) > form_close = u'' > # format...

@auvipy so this is not compatible with eg Django 2.2 ? I´ve seen a ticket for bumping the version up. In case I want to use celery with Django I...

Bumping the issue. It would be a great feature. Doesn't look like it has support now. Any contributors rules I need to follow in case I want to make PR?