Levi (Nguyễn Lương Huy)
Levi (Nguyễn Lương Huy)
Same idea that has been proposed in [PR#404](https://github.com/lian-yue/vue-upload-component/pull/404)
This PR is to add the type checking for property `drop`. This should help adding the ability of drag and drop with a short declaration instead of a full declaration...
### Description When setting `observe` to `true`, it only works well with default `titleTemplate` (which returns the exact input title e.g. `'%s'`, `(title) => title`). If changing `titleTemplate` into any...
### Description - In the `REGEX_FORMAT`, we've already supported `a|A` regex for meridiem but there is no logic to handle this yet. - Support format with periods, such as `a.m.`,...
### Reproduce Link https://sortablejs.github.io/Vue.Draggable/#/transition-example-2 ### Step by step scenario 1. Click on any item on the list. 2. Drag and drop that item in a new place. 3. Repeat step...
This PR is to fix the case where target might be `undefined` and calling `getAttribute` function will throw error into user browser console
Thank you for your beautiful work ❤️ I wish to translate it to Vietnamese if there is no problem to you @aykutkardas
This PR includes the following items: - resolves #5 - use relative path for symlink folders