Zhang Jiahui
Zhang Jiahui
I wanted to reproduce the results in the prothor paper, and following this [tutorial ](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Il6TqmRXOkzYMIEaOU9e4-uTDTIb5Q78#scrollTo=YQEG-d_hpE3W) I obtained the prothor-10k dataset, but it was just houses. How to generate a large...
## Problem / Question Official EmbCLIP is on the leaderboard with a TestSPL score of 0.2. But according to the [tutorial](https://github.com/allenai/embodied-clip/blob/main/readme_files/baselines_robothor_objectnav.md), I got a score of 0.17. The command I...
Thanks for this work! When I train the model with `python [EXP_PATH] --amp_backend native -b 8 --gpus 8`, [EXP_PATH] is `bevdepth/exps/nuscenes/mv/bev_depth_lss_r50_256x704_128x128_20e_cbgs_2key_da_ema.py` I got the following error: ``` Input type (torch.cuda.HalfTensor)...
How to get answers to the questions in the full graph of DriveLM-CARLA?
To be more specific, in the ms-pacman environment, I use `env = gym.make('ms-pacman-medium-v0')` to create the env, and I run ``` observation = env.reset() # observation.shape == (84, 84) observation,...
I downloaded `$store$_action_ckpt.10.gz` and `$store$_observation_ckpt.10.gz` in `atari-replay-datasets/dqn/MsPacman/1/replay_logs`. I found that action and observation do not match. Specifically, the first 10 actions are `array([2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 2, 2, 7,...