### Describe the bug I've tried two different ways to install `zsh-autosuggestions` ([Oh My Zsh](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions/blob/master/INSTALL.md#oh-my-zsh) and [Mannual](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions/blob/master/INSTALL.md#manual-git-clone)), and I've restarted both my terminal and system, however it does not work...
Thank you so much for your EFI file. I also use a Gigabyte Z490 Vision D mother board and a Saphire Pulse 5700 XT, and they are running on MacOS...
Hi there, I'm pretty fascinated by this work, and gonna to take a try on the Colab link, however I found the link returns 'File not found'. Could you please...
Install: `brew cask install quicklookapk` Quick look: Emmm...And almost all my quick look plugins are not working...
Hi there, is it possible to compile `bt_fuzzer` and `bt_exploiter` under arm-based linux system? Could you please provide some tutorials about it? Thanks a lot.
The intro says "Owfuzz can also use a wireless network card that supports monitor mode and frame injection", so I just have a try: 1. Setup Owfuzz on my Kali...
Hi there, I have setup the lastest version SORA-SVL and all seem successful. However, I have trouble to import my own map asset bundle into the WISE. I guess I...