
Results 5 issues of turato

Thank you for developing the project screenity, I really like it. I feel it could be better to allow users to choose the webm file in the local hard disk...


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描述:给用户重复推送两条消息。 触发条件: 用户A关注 topic T,调用发送消息接口 http://wxpusher.zjiecode.com/api/send/message,参数 uids 中填写用户A 的uid,topicIds 填写用户A关注的topic T。 结果:A收到两条一样的消息推送。 建议改进:把发送消息接口请求参数 uids 和topics 中的用户过滤一遍,保证只发送一次消息。 ------------------------------------ 谢谢您的分享!wxpusher 非常 nice~

Hi, I am working on the issue: [Add an example for grpc servers ](https://github.com/cloudflare/tableflip/issues/5) It 's my first time to make a PR in Github.I hope to know if there...