I try to test tensorflow version on CULane. But, i can not reproduct the result by command: ' root@af654694758d:/home/cc/SCNN-Tensorflow/tools/lane_evaluation# ./evaluate -a /home/cc/SCNN-Tensorflow/data/CULane/ -d /home/cc/SCNN-Tensorflow/data/CULane/result-matlab/scnn/vgg_SCNN_DULR_w9/data/CULane/ -i /home/cc/SCNN-Tensorflow/data/CULane/ -l /home/cc/SCNN-Tensorflow/data/CULane/test.txt -w 30...
Hello, i use the command 'python3 --data-dir ./dataset/cityscapes/ --random-mirror --random-scale --restore-from ./dataset/resnet101-imagenet.pth --gpu 4,5,6,7 --learning-rate 1e-2 --input-size 769,769 --weight-decay 1e-4 --batch-size 8 --num-steps 60000 --recurrence 2', and has some...
I'm trying to replicate your training process using the “mall,lambdaa=1,BS=32,Adam,LR1e-4.ckpt”. I find that there is still training space after loading weights, and the loss of verification set is very large....
I use the command: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python -m object-locator.locate --imgsize 256X256 --dataset mall_dataset/frames/test/ --out mall_dataset/output/ --model checkpoints/mall\,lambdaa\=1\,BS\=32\,Adam\,LR1e-4.ckpt --evaluate, and the test set takes pictures from No.seq_001801.jpg to No.seq_002000.jpg. However, the results...