Core.async uses goog.async.nextTick: See the comments in goog.async. Works down to IE6. HTH
Doh. Ignore this then. I was too quick with the post. Sorry for the noise.
Let me try this again. This should be it:
I think use case number two is usually a use case where startup time isn't crucial. Why does this not work: ``` emacsclient -e '(find-file "main.tex") (e2ansi-print-buffer)' ```
Thanks for the explanation! This really helped. (For a background: I'm switching to emacs from 10+ years of VIM). I got this working pretty well: ``` function ehl { tempf="$(mktemp...
I had similar issues with the Emacs that comes with Ubuntu (24.3 I think) and just compiled Emacs from source and things work fine. It's probably worth the effort to...
Thanks that's exactly what I needed. Feel free to accept or reject the PR that I just submitted if you think it's too trivial to be added to the README....
So I have one last question: When I'm already in a helm swoop session, how can I pull the current Symbol under cursor into the search prompt (ie clearing the...