
Results 12 comments of hgj

Log when trying to toggle highlight: ``` 20:51:54.093 | INFO | FrontendEditorActionHandler | Executing backend editor handler 'EditorSelectWord' 20:51:54.093 | INFO | FrontendActionHandlers | >> Begin backend 'ExtendSelection' action session...

check the last section about `Rider` in this sdk doc [What is the IntelliJ Platform](https://jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/intro/intellij_platform.html) Highlights may be implemented by `ReSharper` > JetBrains Rider uses the IntelliJ Platform differently than...

it seems it's not an easy job to fix this issue more references: [IntelliJ Platform SDK DevGuide / Rider Plugin Development](https://jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/products/rider.html) [Writing plugins for ReSharper and Rider](https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2019/02/14/writing-plugins-resharper-rider/) [ReSharper DevGuide /...

Could you please show the full code sample for me to debug? It seems that IDE could not resole the `this.historyUrlList` as the same object.

It seems that `.tf` file is not perfectly supported by IntelliJ IDEA? Do you install any other plugins for terraform files?

Could you please show some examples of control flow statements as expected?

前几天看到评论,很抱歉没有及时回复。 关于问题: > 1. 切换的颜色不是按配置里面的 ? emmm.. 使用方式上理解有点不一致。 这个插件的目的是高亮标识符,而不是高亮预设的关键词,高亮颜色是按配置中的色盘轮换的,默认色盘里的文字只是代表颜色而已,没其它含义。 > 2. 不知道为什么切换不了颜色(有的文件可以有的不行) 目前高亮时的标识符查找操作是靠IDE实现的,也就是说查找标识符就是在查找IDE语法分析出的结果(`PsiElement`/`PsiReference`)。所以呢,如果强如IDE也没法分析出来(有时候也会分析有误),我也莫得办法了,无奈摊手╮( ̄_ ̄)╭。 这情况比较容易出现在如python/javascript等动态语言,毕竟动态语言很难做到完美的静态分析,不过大多数情况IDE的分析是好使的,如果是如java/typescript之类的静态语言,那基本没问题。截图中的`IIC`看起来是一个没在本文件中声明的特殊全局变量,所以IDE就没分析出来。 目前已发布的插件对这种情况的兜底逻辑是执行普通的查找操作(对应的action是`Find`,默认快捷键通常是ctrl+f),用的是普通高亮。之前有小伙伴有用来高亮日志文件关键词的需求 #3 ,后来有位热心老哥也期望兜底逻辑改成是单词匹配搜索并高亮,于是在master分支上提了PR #10 ,但由于PR的实现有点粗暴,在性能和取消高亮的逻辑等方面有点小瑕疵,所以目前只是简单合进了master,没对外发布,最后给自己开了个需求坑 #11 ,现在还在想怎么样搞好一点。~~(说到底还是我太菜+太懒)~~

`cycle between highlighted words with F3`, I guess what you mean is [Find Next / Move to Next Occurrence](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/reference-keymap-win-default.html#find_everything), right?

In usual, when some find actions (like `Ctrl+F Find...` and `Ctrl+Shift+F7 Highlight Usages in File`) perform, `HighlightHandlerBase#setupFindModel` will be called. At this time, A FindModel will set in FindManager, see`FindManager#setFindNextModel`....

There are 2 ways to solve: 1. Add highlighters created by MultiHighlight to `HighlightManager`, so that `FindManager` could find them. 2. Add a new find next action for MultiHighlight. See...