Results 5 issues of Marble Wu

Add notchMargin to the FABBottomAppBar constructor, so we can setting margin of the FAB on BottomAppBar

![img_6834]( ![img_6835](

我猜现在 ruby-china 的 exception-track 表格显示的时间列内显示的是 UTC 时间 ref : 希望能单独配置能够设置 timezone , 优先于或者不依赖 /config/application.rb 里面配置的 time_zone

可以定义大图 和 小图 档点击按钮,导航收缩后,logo 展示 小图。

when use acts_as_paranoid ``` irb(main):001:0> Topic.all_tags (2.8ms) SELECT tag FROM (SELECT DISTINCT unnest(topics.tags) as tag FROM "topics") subquery WHERE "topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL Traceback (most recent call last): 1: from (irb):1...