Hoang The Hung
Hoang The Hung
Pls help try to run expo web, i got this issue .../can-it-be-done-in-react-native/season4/node_modules/react-native-redash/lib/module/Paths.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-native-reanimated' in '.../can-it-be-done-in-react-native/season4/node_modules/react-native-redash/lib/module'
i try to use this lib https://github.com/nmrugg/stockfish.js/ as a web worker, but it not working. could you have the same example which using normal web worker like postMessage and onmessage,...
this is beautiful tool, pls fix it i want to use in swift 3, xcode 8 thanks and best regards
fixed 1/ language 2/ seed phrase screen
> Please check you are not duplicating an existing pull request... #### Changes check if message.sender null on chat #### Verification Pls check the task https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/2204148/stories/162722936/comments/197718089
> Please check you are not duplicating an existing pull request... #### Changes Add snack bar view. Navigating user direct to person chat view #### Verification If the user tries...
``` z.preprocess( (a) => parseInt(z.string().parse(a), 10), z.number().positive().max(100) ), ``` error: ``` console.log ZodError: [ { "code": "invalid_type", "expected": "string", "received": "undefined", "path": [], "message": "Required" } ] at handleResult (/Users/owner/Documents/source-code/private/express-zod-api/node_modules/zod/lib/types.js:29:23)...
i got the issue ( pls check the code here https://codesandbox.io/s/objective-pine-yqse2?file=/src/App.js) stockfish.min.js:8 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'WorkerGlobalScope': Failed to parse URL from stockfish.wasm, when I...
### Steps to reproduce (First please check that this issue is not already solved as [described here](https://github.com/feathersjs/feathers/blob/master/.github/contributing.md#report-a-bug)) - [ ] Tell us what broke. The more detailed the better. -...
Thank you for making this, could you add generateSitemaps feature in the future? To support generate blog page automatically. Sorry I don't find where to push this