
Results 14 issues of Tom

Would there be any interest in modding the tool to also capture previous statuses? The capability is already in there, just need to add it in.


Currently the generated log contains both the twitter URL and Wayback URL. Want it to just contain the Wayback url in case people wanted to check it there on their...


When building from master branch, lb is throwing an error around memtest86+ one solve would be to: `sed -i 's/--memtest memtest86+/--memtest none/g' $kali_path/auto/config` before jumping in to the live-build script...


Both are throwing errors during the tool install script


* test to see if the install script is working as intended or if any tools need to be removed or modified before release


Github actions has the ability to set the trigger to a cron job. This would allow us to stage release based on `main` on a cadence with no action on...


Moving our collection of OSINT bookmarks to obsidian would be our first step in to contextualizing those resources. Could also give us a place to more easily organize and explain...


Would be neat to explore baking in some free vpn options for people to use, along with the warnings about free to use vpns.


Is there a better way to organize them? Different folder structure? What resources are missing? What are deprecated? Can we create docs in Obsidian that tie back to what resources...


Would like to include some general investigative guidance and pivot points here that also links to other relevant tools and resources either in the VM or on the we somewhere
