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Floating point Forward/Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) IP-core for newest Xilinx FPGAs (Source lang. - VHDL).
Floating point (FP23) FFT/IFFT cores
This project contains fully pipelined floating-point FFT/IFFT cores for Xilinx FPGA, Scheme: Radix-2, Decimation in frequency and decimation in time;
Integer data type and twiddles with configurable data width.
Code language - VHDL, Verilog
Vendor: Xilinx, 6/7-series, Ultrascale, Ultrascale+;
License: GNU GPL 3.0.
Main information
Title | Universal floating point FFT cores (Xilinx FPGAs) |
Author | Alexander Kapitanov |
Project lang | VHDL, Verilog |
Vendor | Xilinx: 6/7-series, Ultrascale, US+ |
Release Date | 02 Feb 2015 |
Last Update | 27 Jun 2019 |
Floating-point (custom format)
Floating point 23-bit vector (optimized for FPGAs):
- EXPONENT - 6-bits
- SIGN - 1-bit
- MANTISSA - 16+1 bits '1' means hidden bit for normalized floating-point values;
A = (-1)^sign(A) * 2^(exp(A)-31) * mant(A)
List of complements:
- fp23_fftNk – main core - Floating-point FFT, Radix-2, DIF, input flow - natural, output flow - bit-reversed.
- fp23_ifftNk – main core - Floating-point FFT, Radix-2, DIT, input flow - bit-reversed, output flow - natural.
- fp23_bfly_fwd – Floating-point butterfly Radix-2, decimation in frequency,
- fp23_ibfly_inv – Floating-point butterfly Radix-2, decimation in time.
Math (in fp23):
- fp23_addsub – adder / substractor,
- fp23_addsub_dbl – adder and substractor,
- fp23_fix2float – int16 to fp23 converter,
- fp23_float2fix – fp23 to int16 converter,
- fp23_mult – multiplier,
- fp23_cmult – complex multiplier.
Delay line:
- fp_delay_line – main delay line, cross-commutation data between butterflies,
- fp23fft_align_data – data and twiddle factor alignment for butterflies in FFT core,
- fp23ifft_align_data – data and twiddle factor alignment for butterflies in IFFT core.
- rom_twiddle_int – 1/4-periodic signal, twiddle factor generator based on memory and sometimes uses DSP48 units for large FFTs
- row_twiddle_tay – twiddle factor generator which used Taylor scheme for calculation twiddles.
- fp_Ndelay_in – input delay line (for simple flow with 1 data word in clock cycle),
- fp_Ndelay_out – output delay line (for simple flow with 1 data word in clock cycle),
- fp_bitrev_ord – converter data from bit-reverse to natural order.
Fast Convolution:
- fp23_fconv_core – main core: Input buffer, Lin Fast Convolution, Output buffer, Support function,
- fp23_linconv_dbl – Forward FFT, Inverse FFT, Complex multiplier etc,
- fp23_fftNk2_core - Double Path Forward / Inverse Floating-point FFT, Radix-2, DIF/DIT,
- iobuf_fft_hlf2 – delay second part of data for Linear Fast Convolution,
- iobuf_fft_int2 – delay first part of data for Linear Fast Convolution,
- inbuf_fastconv_int2 – Input buffer for linear fast convolution and interleave-2 data,
- int_delay_wrap - delay line for wrap-mode. You don't need collecting NFFT data words. Fully pipelined.
- fp23_sfunc_dbl - Support function: two buffers 0/1 can store filter responce into freq domain.
How to check Fast Convolution HDL model:
- Create Vivado project example.xpr, select 7-series or Ultrascale/+ FPGA.
- Add sources from /src directory to your project.
- Set testbench file as top for simulation from /src/testbench dir directory
- Run Octave / MATLAB .m file from math/ directory. Set NFFT and other signal parameters. Change input signal or use my model. After this you will get test file test_signal.dat with complex signal.
- Run simulation into Vivado / Aldec Active-HDL / ModelSim. Set time of simulation > 100 us. For N > 32K set 500 us or more.
- Return to Octave / MATLAB and run .m script again.
- Compare Fast Convolution: an ideal result in double prec. and HDL results (fp23).
Link (Russian collaborative IT blog)
- https://habr.com/ru/post/322728/
- Kapitanov Alexander
First Release:
- 2015/02/02