Jason Huggins
Jason Huggins
a) possibly because I developed the install script on OSX. :-( b) I think it needs pygame for some audio processing. Pyvnc2swf is where you'd look to see why pygame...
What is the code edit workaround? I tried to use "nimble publish" to submit my project, but just got tripped up by this bug. The workaround I ended up going...
Can you provide more info about your setup? (Specifically, node and OS X / MacOS version numbers.) Also, did you see any errors in the console when you ran 'npm...
FWIW, I just tested this and I can confirm your issue. (Tested on Node v6.9.1 on OS X 10.11.6) The weird thing is that your script works correctly (the video...
Well this is interesting... Try adding one more timeout that fires at least 500 ms (possibly more) after your video ends. There appears to be a timing issue where some...
We might be able to modify [Castro's `stop()` method](https://github.com/hugs/node-castro/blob/a1499ec73dcb2517fcb7ddb5b8ccc359c5740462/castro.js#L79-L93) to check that the movie's [`isRecording`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avcapturefileoutput/1387539-isrecording) property value is false before returning. But since we're dealing with timing and events here,...