Hugo Schmitt
Hugo Schmitt
I think now runcmd.go works on both systems.
But I have gnuwin cat installed... it will probably fail for you.
I still testing what is the best behaviour there - use cmd /c for everything, let the user choose (current behaviour), use heuristics to find out what kind of programs...
Unfortunately .git folders are ignored - do you have any suggestion to fix this?
Right, maybe I could have subl the default only when it exists (Sublime Text 3 finally introduced this command so we don't have to create hacky subl.bat). I have to...
@jenskastensson you have to click the smiley icon on the original comment by mmatczuk
I wonder if this would allow streaming of rtsp streams through go-http-tunnel..
This worked well with the [multicommand ]( The "clearOutput" is only because my Output doesn't scroll automatically - at least on Windows. All I want is to avoid the mouse...
Anything about this?
I think its a termion thing, unfortunately.. On 10 January 2017 at 15:13, Tyler Neely wrote: > I'll fire up windows today and get it working! > > — >...