Hugo Dias
Hugo Dias
same here
hi @AlbertoElias thank you for this research, im trying to fix some of these problems the first step is this to streamline dependencies and reduce bundle size. but there...
The end goal was always to use to gen the docs, we didnt do it because the output wasn't always the best because of legacy cjs code. You can...
Exactly these issues about half baked spec implementations need to be patch directly in rn or in a external package.
cross-fetch is just a wrapper problems the issue is much deeper in the stack
> I did a PoC with pubsub for the integration testing proposal. There is also one point in [libp2p/js-libp2p-interfaces#81]( description that would be good to consider. Shortly, interface tests should...
I'm very interested in this topic so anything I can do to help ping me ! I'm just gonna dump some random thoughts I have about this. Some time ago...
+1 on @jacobheun comment gonna leave this here for a easier reference Its about having unified entry points for configs that automatically adjust to env. Plus when implementing this...
Not yet, i only plan to start working on that next week.
any chance we can get some feedback with this ?