Hugo Mosh Cardoza
Hugo Mosh Cardoza
I want that we can swipe the element up just like the ios panel. Is there a way. I already use a event listener to read the swipeUp gesture, but...
Excellent work! Thank you. Just an observations If you feed it with things like: x :) es genial¡¡¡¡¡¡ It throws and error like this: ``` php exception 'RuntimeException' with message...
Is there a work around solution for the problem of ``` No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. ``` soi I...
### Steps to reproduce I have one project ReactNative and Feathers with a service lets say service_logs ### Behavior 1. I create a new service_log: SERVICES_DEVICE_LOGS_CREATE_PENDING 2. Service create the...
I have the public key from a redbear/Duo an it is in pkcs1-public-der The Duo Documentation says: > Response string (e.g.) : {"b":"ascii hex-encoded data","r":0} // 0 ok, non zero...
I feel like a noob here but I am wondering what is that I am missing: If I run: ``` export GIT_REPOS_ROOT="~/repositorios_git/" mkdir ${GIT_REPOS_ROOT} chmod 711 ${GIT_REPOS_ROOT} ``` I get...