Lopez Hugo

Results 67 issues of Lopez Hugo

Related to #80. Suggestion. Mainly, move the core codes up so it is more visible. The crawlers are kept into their own folder. - [ ] Reoganize project structure from...

Related to #80. This is the core documentation which can help open source contributions.

See #556 for alternative : Atome > Settings > Install > `platformio-atom-ide-terminal`.

* [SUBTLEX-CH: Chinese Word and Character Frequencies Based on Film Subtitles](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0010729) Arguably better quality for teaching than Junda written corpora. See also #52

![20180601_173906](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1420189/40834538-b5019474-65c3-11e8-8e5b-a2e22d13b4f2.jpg) Not sure it makes senses for student's learning tho.

Is there a way to enlighten the difference between characters? Or to enlighten a specific set of strokes, such [2,4-6] ![20180601_161732](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1420189/40831118-b27f038e-65ba-11e8-95ef-4ca154396df0.jpg) ![20180601_161547](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1420189/40831150-cb02f4d8-65ba-11e8-9afd-e8a0b26bb07e.jpg) ![20180601_161449](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1420189/40831163-d9872650-65ba-11e8-9bb3-caede4b39f10.jpg) CHENG Hsiu-Jen (鄭琇仁), 高雄師範大學華語所 ![screenshot from 2018-06-01...

Minor need, but helpful. Like github, use `# Title` ![screenshot from 2018-02-09 12-55-27](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1420189/36026737-b5ba0ffa-0d98-11e8-87af-b7cbbbccce5f.png)


A common practice is to do numbering upon stroke order images or animations (screenshot of ongoing animation below). ![screenshot from 2018-02-19 15-23-24](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1420189/36382841-a73bb574-158a-11e8-90b4-c582cc81a69f.png) - Is there an easy way to do...


I wonder if this conversion table would be useful to this project https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/標準官話拼音對照表 . Entry uses pinyin as the main ley but some easy js loop can change it. Few...

- [ ] what is the source ? Unihan, CJKlib, Moedict, ... - [ ] how many characters covered +Thanks for this project !