Hugo Josefson

Results 8 comments of Hugo Josefson

Hi there! Thanks for the issue report! I'm not sure I understand the issue correctly, but this is how far I got: I tried the following solution to exercise 2,...

@jpwesselink Interesting! Could you please create a with your `program.js`, so I can try it?

Thanks @jpwesselink! When I compare that file with the solution in the test suite, there are two differences: How the array and callback streams are constructed. Solution file for exercise...

Hmmm.. I think it's quite hard to do because the streams are quite async. So the runner doesn't really know if it should keep waiting for the user's code to...

@jpwesselink Oh, thank you. And thank you for participating! :smile:

Thank you @mysticatea so much for your feedback! That's a good idea to make sure the user knows what they are doing. I was also thinking that `npm-run-all` is very...

Oh, and please a formatter. That's one thing I love about Deno and Rust!

>[email protected]/node/net.ts?s=Socket&p=prototype.ref seems to suggest otherwise? I might be mistaken, though. That looks like an older version of the standard library. I'm not sure where that code went, since the...