Hua-Ying Tsai
Hua-Ying Tsai
Write an example to get the like detail:
Sorry for the late reply. I just tested it and it worked for me. Not sure what happened. Maybe you can give the post url you tried to crawl
Hi @inhyek, Did you modify the code? It shouldn't run into the function `_get_posts_full` if you are using `hashtag` cmd.
Hi, it's actually doable, but it would take much time if you try to fetch many posts with all comments.
Yes, I noticed that. It seems like Instagram now have a rate limit policy. So after 200 requests, its api returns status code 429(rate limit)
Thanks! Just added you as a contributor.
Sorry I am not maintaining this repo. If this is just a temporarily fix, please feel free to fork this repo and work on it, thanks.