I wrap the GDAL library with nimterop, the generated code is as follows: ``` proc OGR_G_GetGeometryRef*(a1: OGRGeometryH, a2: cint): OGRGeometryH {.impgdalC.} proc OGR_F_GetGeometryRef*(a1: OGRFeatureH): OGRGeometryH {.impgdalC.} ``` when applide onSymbol...
Table DDL: ``` CREATE TABLE heres( id serial, name varchar, lnglat geometry("POINT", 4326), primary key (id) ); ``` `INSERT INTO heres (name, lnglat) VALUES ('test2',ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(12 34)'))` sql works fine. julia...
How to use SQL function in SearchLight? Can give some examples.
The jsonkey of imagePullSecrets in the webservice schema was incorrectly written as imagePullSecret, it cause velaux to repeatedly render imagePullSecrets.
I successfully added multiple traits of init-container in yaml: ``` apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: busybox spec: components: - name: busybox type: webservice properties: image: busybox cmd: ["sleep", "86400"]...
borgo's importer tool can import go std package and user's package, but how to impot other external package: in golang i can: ``` import "" ``` the corresponding usage in...
When starting Worker when aws_endpoint is set like s3::https://my-custom-s3/my-bucket/key/path, throws error: thread 'main' panicked at copy-artifacts/src/ Failed to download s3::https://my-custom-s3/my-bucket/key/path/pipeline: InvalidUrl It should be that the aws_endpoint url without port...